Welcome to Mabbat

Mabbat is a Hebrew word that means "hope" or "expectation."  I started blogging after a series of miscarriages left me a weepy, angry, depressed mess, and I turned to writing to put words to my pain and to share my experience.  My greatest hope for Mabbat has always been that God will take my mess and transform it into work that expresses his love and grace for us all - that my grief can be redeemed through art into something that glorifies my creator.  My greatest desire is that my writing can help someone else work through their depression or grief and know that you are never alone, and you can make it to the other side.  You can not only survive but also begin to thrive and grow.  Join me here for writing and art born out of my journey, and watch for ways to share your walk as well.
Several times a week, I post new things on Mabbat.blog.  The posts range from coping with life and depression to Bible study and current art projects.  You can join the conversation by commenting on the blog or by joining the Mabbat Facebook group.  It's a closed group designed to be a safe and fun place to share your journey and your creativity.
You can also get more resources by signing up for e-mails from Mabbat.  Check out the form below to do that.
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