The October 15th Project

October 15th is the National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.  The Lights of Love International Wave of Light is one way to mark this day by lighting a candle at 7:00 local time in honor of an angel baby in your life.  We are working on having a local memorial service in Birmingham, Alabama, and I have another project in mind, too.  One thing that gave me tremendous hope when I was struggling through our pregnancy losses was to hear stories from other women who had survived, especially the women I knew and loved and respected in my own life.  I would love to compile stories of women who have lived through pregnancy or infant loss and are willing to share the hope that got them through the worst of their grief.  If you are willing to share your story or would like to help organize a memorial service in the Birmingham area, please fill out the form below.  Your e-mail address will not be shared, but I will use it to contact you to get more information about your story.  The stories that are shared will be published on The October 15th Project Blog.  Maybe we can even publish them together with a resource book that we can give to doctor's offices or support groups.  Let's see what happens when we share our hope with other women and families who are walking through grief.